Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Advising Tips for Cogs Students: Finding Breadth Courses

Have you ever wondered, "Isn't there a list somewhere of all the possible "B" courses at SFU so I can find courses to fill my Breadth requirements easily?" Here's one!

Notice that some of these courses are designated B in two areas (and COGS 100 is unique in being designated B in all three). This means that you can count the course toward whichever of the B categories you decide you need to apply it to. When checking if you are meeting your B requirements you might notice that the default calculation in the system is to apply the course to the first of the two or three designations listed. If you need a B-Hum/-Sci course to count as B-Sci for instance but it shows on your transcript as counting toward B-Hum, talk to your advisor to have the system count it as B-Sci.